Guest Lecture by Juan Cui, Part II - Studying the key drivers of cancer growth

Klipi teostus: Mirjam Paales 05.06.2012 6641 vaatamist Arvutiteadus

Part II - Studying the key drivers of cancer growth



Dr. *Juan Cui*

*Data mining applications in cancer research*

In this talk, I will introduce an integrated transcriptomic and computational approach that we used for biomarker identification for cancer diagonosis, a hypothesis-driven study of transcriptional data analysis, and a study of cancer genome analysis.

Dr Juan Cui is an Assistant research scientist/group leader in cancer bioinformatics (2011), Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Georgia. She is currently visiting Estonia and the Data Mining group of Tallinn Univ. of Technology.

More information:
Juan Cui    -
BIIT group  -
TUT: DM lab -